What Your Website Should Include

You could scour the web for resources on building websites, and surely you'd find thousands of tips and pieces of advice on how to build a website, and what should and shouldn't be included within it. At
SSS for Success, we specialize in 5-Page Starter Template-Based Websites designed to give you a web presence that looks good and helps you get found in search engines. We also provide you with a Small Business Survival Specialist that helps you build the type of site that lets you grow your business. With that in mind, here are the basic elements of What You Should Include In Your Website:

Home Page:
This is the page that should draw your visitors into the site. Include your best content and encourage visitors to check out other pages.

About Us Page:
Tell your visitors what they need to know about you and why they should become your customer.

Products/Services Page(s):
Highlight your products and services to let your potential customers know what you have to offer.

Contact Us Page:
Help inform your customers how they can get in touch with you with by including a contact form.

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